Order that special piece

If you didn't find the part you were looking for, don't worry! We can bring you whatever you want from the brand.

How does it work? ⬇️

  • 1 or 2 times a month we place orders from the factory exclusively for clients (depending on demand), mostly on the 15th and 30th of each month.
  • It is ordered with 50% of the total value of your piece(s) + shipping.
  • Wait 15 to 20 days once the order is shipped.
  • Once the order arrives, we will send you photos of your piece(s) for settlement and shipping.
  • Once informed of the arrival of the piece(s), you have 10 calendar days for settlement, otherwise they will be put up for sale without refund for operating expenses.
  • Each piece has a 30 calendar day warranty , there is no money back, only exchange on factory defect parts, it does not apply in cases of:
    1️⃣ Scratched pieces.
    2️⃣ Pieces with damage due to not following the corresponding care .
    3️⃣ Changes due to size errors do not apply, it is confirmed before the order is placed with the buyer.
  • Check the size of your pieces carefully, since there are no returns by mistake.


Still don't know what to choose? Check out our extensive catalog, it contains more than 1,000 pieces for you! 👉🏼 https://linktr.ee/PedidosZalett

Send us a Whatsapp to place your order

Next order: July 31